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More on Fokina...
Father, a former tennis player, introduced her to tennis at age 3...Travels on the Tour with her father Nikolay Fokin and/or her coach...Coached by Igor Volkov, chief coach at a Moscow tennis club...As a baby, favorite toys were tennis balls....Entered tournaments (including international ones) at around age 9...Other sports interests include swimming, football and horseback riding...Hobbies include reading, listening to music and surfing the Internet...Loves animals, especially, dogs...Favorites include the color blue, Rome, ice-cream, Chinese cuisine...Considers herself an optimist and has a good sense of humor.
Career Highlights
Winner: 2006 - ITF/Cairo 1-EGY, ITF/Cairo 2-EGY; 2005 - ITF/Giza 3-EGY; 2004 - ITF/Cairo 6-EGY.
Winner: 2006 - ITF/Cairo 2-EGY (w/Gourevitch); 2005 - ITF/Giza 1-EGY, ITF/Giza 2-EGY, ITF/Giza 3-EGY (all w/Gourevitch).
Finalist (1): 2002 - Tashkent (w/Buric).
Semifinalist (3): 2003 - Luxembourg (w/Koryttseva); 2001 - Bol (w/Foretz), Tashkent (w/Ostrovskaya).
No grand slam information available at this time
This player has not participated in any Grand Slam Singles Main Draw events
Sorry, we couldn't find any stats data for this year.
* For purposes of the player profile, individual player stats are cumulative for the calendar year and not calculated using a minimum match requirement.