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Grand Slam Record
Grand SlamsBest Grand Slam Result
Highest Finish
Australian Open

Roland Garros


US Open

More on Farina Elia...
Mother introduced her to tennis at age 10 ... Coached by husband Francesco Elia ... All-court style; best shot is forehand ... Married on September 22, 1999 ... Parents, Carlo and Aida, are insurance agents and both play recreational tennis; sister, Olga, is also an insurance agent; brother, Enrico, restores furniture ... Between tournaments likes to go to the beach ... Hobbies include listening to music (especially Italian) and watching movies (especially dramas) ... Favorite actors are Tom Cruise and Kevin Costner ... Enjoys soccer, in-line skating and skiing ... Favorite food is properly-cooked Italian pasta and pizza.
Career Highlights
Winner (3): 2003 - Strasbourg; 2002 - Strasbourg; 2001 - Strasbourg; 1993 - ITF/Limoges-FRA; 1991 - ITF/Caltagirone-ITA.
Finalist (10): 2005 - Amelia Island; 2004 - Canberra, Antwerp; 2001 - Gold Coast; 1999 - Prostejov; 1998 - Auckland, Budapest, Warsaw, Luxembourg; 1991 - San Marino.
Winner (9): 2004 - Warsaw (w/Schiavone); 2001 - Strasbourg (w/Tulyaganova); 2000 - Palermo (w/Grande); 1999 - Auckland (w/Schett), Æs-Hertogenbosch (w/Grande), Portschach (w/Habsudova); 1998 - Prague (w/Habsudova); 1997 - Palermo (w/Schett); 1995 - Maria Lankowitz (w/Temesvari).
Finalist (8): 2005 - Gold Coast (w/Camerin); 2004 - Paris [Indoors] (w/Schiavone); 2003 - Linz (w/Bartoli); 2000 - Hannover (w/Habsudova); 1997 - Gold Coast (w/Dragomir); 1996 - Moscow (w/Schett); 1993 - Palermo (w/B.Schultz); 1990 - Taranto (w/Grande).
Italian Fed Cup Team 1993-95, 1997-2000, 2002, 2004. Italian Olympic Team 1996, 2000, 2004.
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* For purposes of the player profile, individual player stats are cumulative for the calendar year and not calculated using a minimum match requirement.