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More on Durie...
Coached by Alan Jones...Chief interests include golf, music, reading, skiing twice a year when possible, and films...Enthusiastic supporter of Bristol City soccer club...Represents a number of businesses which support grassroots tennis in Great Britain...Likes pasta, a glass of wine and snow skiing in Switzerland.
Career Highlights
Winner: 1983 - Mahwah, Sydney.
Finalist: 1990 - Newport; 1983 - Brighton; 1982 - Greenville; 1980 - Beckenham.
Winner: 1990 - Singapore (w/Hetherington); 1983 - German Open (w/Hobbs), Boston (w/Kiyomura), Mahwah (w/Walsh-Pete); 1982 - Birmingham (w/Hobbs).
Finalist: 1993 - Paris Indoors (w/Suire); 1991 - St. Petersburg (w/Demongeot); 1990 - Leipzig (w/Bollegraf), Brighton (w/Zvereva); 1989 - Boca Raton (w/MJ.Fernandez); 1984 - Virginia Slims Championships (w/Kiyomura), Mahwah (w/Kiyomura), US Indoors (w/Kiyomura), Eastbourne (w/Kiyomura).
Winner: 1991 - Australian Open (w/Bates); 1987 - Wimbledon (w/Bates).
British Wightman Cup Team 1979, 1981-89. British Fed Cup Team 1981-87, 1989-93. British European Team 1989-92.
No grand slam information available at this time
This player has not participated in any Grand Slam Singles Main Draw events
Sorry, we couldn't find any stats data for this year.
* For purposes of the player profile, individual player stats are cumulative for the calendar year and not calculated using a minimum match requirement.