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Career High
May 4 2015
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* For purposes of the player profile, individual player stats are cumulative for the calendar year and not calculated using a minimum match requirement.

Singles Career High Ranking
Highest Singles
May 04, 2015
Doubles Career High Ranking
Highest Doubles
Feb 16, 2015
Custom Filter: Top Rank by Year Year-end Ranking

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Date Top Rank by Year Year-end Ranking
2015 988
2014 1009 1047
2013 1103
2012 1142 1158
Custom Filter: Top Rank by Year Year-end Ranking

No Rankings Data Available

Date Top Rank by Year Year-end Ranking
2016 1069
2015 378 1279
2014 385 394
2013 645
2012 648 648

No Rankings Data Available

Week Week by Week Ranking
Jun 29, 2015 1018
Jun 22, 2015 1006
Jun 15, 2015 997
Jun 8, 2015 999
May 25, 2015 997
May 18, 2015 989
May 11, 2015 990
May 4, 2015 988
Apr 27, 2015 991
Apr 20, 2015 992
Apr 13, 2015 992
Apr 6, 2015 992
Mar 23, 2015 1002
Mar 9, 2015 1010
Mar 2, 2015 1007
Feb 23, 2015 1003
Feb 16, 2015 1007
Feb 9, 2015 1005
Feb 2, 2015 999
Jan 19, 2015 1006
Jan 12, 2015 1004
Jan 5, 2015 1004
Dec 29, 2014 1009
Dec 22, 2014 1009
Dec 15, 2014 1018
Dec 8, 2014 1019
Dec 1, 2014 1024
Nov 24, 2014 1032
Nov 17, 2014 1038
Nov 10, 2014 1042
Nov 3, 2014 1047
Oct 27, 2014 1060
Oct 20, 2014 1061
Oct 13, 2014 1061
Oct 6, 2014 1058
Sep 29, 2014 1056
Sep 22, 2014 1054
Sep 15, 2014 1058
Oct 21, 2013 1202
Oct 14, 2013 1200
Oct 7, 2013 1195
Sep 30, 2013 1186
Sep 23, 2013 1188
Sep 16, 2013 1184
Sep 9, 2013 1183
Aug 26, 2013 1184
Aug 19, 2013 1189
Aug 12, 2013 1181
Aug 5, 2013 1183
Jul 29, 2013 1198
Jul 22, 2013 1135
Jul 15, 2013 1131
Jul 8, 2013 1132
Jun 24, 2013 1120
Jun 17, 2013 1114
Jun 10, 2013 1116
May 27, 2013 1111
May 20, 2013 1106
May 13, 2013 1108
May 6, 2013 1106
Apr 29, 2013 1103
Apr 22, 2013 1105
Apr 15, 2013 1107
Apr 8, 2013 1117
Apr 1, 2013 1119
Mar 18, 2013 1122
Mar 4, 2013 1121
Feb 25, 2013 1115
Feb 18, 2013 1114
Feb 11, 2013 1119
Feb 4, 2013 1158
Jan 28, 2013 1157
Jan 14, 2013 1153
Jan 7, 2013 1151
Dec 31, 2012 1146
Dec 24, 2012 1148
Dec 17, 2012 1146
Dec 10, 2012 1151
Dec 3, 2012 1142
Nov 26, 2012 1151
Nov 19, 2012 1158
Nov 12, 2012 1163
Nov 5, 2012 1158
Oct 29, 2012 1150
Oct 22, 2012 1153
Oct 15, 2012 1158
Oct 8, 2012 1162
Oct 1, 2012 1164
Sep 24, 2012 1160
Sep 17, 2012 1157
Sep 10, 2012 1167
Aug 27, 2012 1181
Aug 20, 2012 1176
Aug 13, 2012 1177
Aug 6, 2012 1177
Jul 30, 2012 1182

No Rankings Data Available

Week Week by Week Ranking
Oct 24, 2016 1130
Oct 17, 2016 1131
Oct 10, 2016 1119
Oct 3, 2016 1106
Sep 26, 2016 1097
Sep 19, 2016 1099
Sep 12, 2016 1069
Aug 29, 2016 1076
Aug 22, 2016 1079
Feb 1, 2016 1294
Jan 18, 2016 1293
Jan 11, 2016 1293
Jan 4, 2016 1295
Dec 28, 2015 1296
Dec 21, 2015 1294
Dec 14, 2015 1293
Dec 7, 2015 1294
Nov 30, 2015 1292
Nov 23, 2015 1285
Nov 16, 2015 1282
Nov 9, 2015 1279
Nov 2, 2015 1277
Oct 26, 2015 1280
Oct 19, 2015 1273
Oct 12, 2015 1267
Oct 5, 2015 1261
Sep 28, 2015 1255
Sep 21, 2015 1257
Aug 31, 2015 395
Aug 24, 2015 394
Aug 17, 2015 395
Aug 10, 2015 391
Aug 3, 2015 388
Jul 27, 2015 392
Jul 20, 2015 394
Jul 13, 2015 390
Jun 29, 2015 403
Jun 22, 2015 398
Jun 15, 2015 397
Jun 8, 2015 397
May 25, 2015 399
May 18, 2015 398
May 11, 2015 397
May 4, 2015 390
Apr 27, 2015 388
Apr 20, 2015 393
Apr 13, 2015 393
Apr 6, 2015 391
Mar 23, 2015 390
Mar 9, 2015 391
Mar 2, 2015 384
Feb 23, 2015 382
Feb 16, 2015 378
Feb 9, 2015 380
Feb 2, 2015 380
Jan 19, 2015 383
Jan 12, 2015 383
Jan 5, 2015 382
Dec 29, 2014 385
Dec 22, 2014 386
Dec 15, 2014 392
Dec 8, 2014 395
Dec 1, 2014 396
Nov 24, 2014 393
Nov 17, 2014 389
Nov 10, 2014 389
Nov 3, 2014 394
Oct 27, 2014 397
Oct 20, 2014 394
Oct 13, 2014 403
Oct 6, 2014 409
Sep 29, 2014 408
Sep 22, 2014 412
Sep 15, 2014 412
Sep 8, 2014 616
Aug 25, 2014 1279
Aug 18, 2014 1282
Aug 11, 2014 1278
Aug 4, 2014 1269
Jul 28, 2014 1273
Jul 21, 2014 1296
Oct 28, 2013 927
Oct 21, 2013 908
Oct 14, 2013 900
Oct 7, 2013 878
Sep 30, 2013 870
Sep 23, 2013 873
Sep 16, 2013 879
Sep 9, 2013 878
Aug 26, 2013 875
Aug 19, 2013 876
Aug 12, 2013 870
Aug 5, 2013 876
Jul 29, 2013 883
Jul 22, 2013 662
Jul 15, 2013 665
Jul 8, 2013 663
Jun 24, 2013 667
Jun 17, 2013 667
Jun 10, 2013 666
May 27, 2013 665
May 20, 2013 663
May 13, 2013 669
May 6, 2013 666
Apr 29, 2013 657
Apr 22, 2013 658
Apr 15, 2013 656
Apr 8, 2013 654
Apr 1, 2013 651
Mar 18, 2013 655
Mar 4, 2013 654
Feb 25, 2013 645
Feb 18, 2013 647
Feb 11, 2013 647
Feb 4, 2013 651
Jan 28, 2013 651
Jan 14, 2013 657
Jan 7, 2013 653
Dec 31, 2012 651
Dec 24, 2012 652
Dec 17, 2012 650
Dec 10, 2012 651
Dec 3, 2012 651
Nov 26, 2012 653
Nov 19, 2012 658
Nov 12, 2012 655
Nov 5, 2012 648
Oct 29, 2012 784
Oct 22, 2012 787
Oct 15, 2012 789
Oct 8, 2012 803
Oct 1, 2012 813
Sep 24, 2012 810
Sep 17, 2012 819
Sep 10, 2012 832
Aug 27, 2012 832
Aug 20, 2012 831
Aug 13, 2012 835
Aug 6, 2012 833
Jul 30, 2012 835