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More on Serra Zanetti...
Coached by Patricio Remondegui...Baseline player who prefers hard courts; favorite shot is the drop shot...Nickname is Adri...Father, Alessandro, is in banking; mother, Arianna, is an art history teacher; brother, Andrea, attends law school; sister Antonella competes on the tennis tour, and sister Alessia is a student...Entire family plays recreational tennis...Missed 1995 Wimbledon to finish high school...Favorites include authors R. Battaglia and S. Babbaren, the production Le Ali Della Liberta, the movie Gladiator; actor Julia Roberts, U2 (especially the song One), Whitney Houston and Italian music...Favorite soccer team is Juventus, and likes to ski and play volleyball...Likes to visit Rome for its history and atmosphere...Most memorable experiences have been participating in the 1996 Summer Olympic Games and reaching the 2002 Australian Open quarterfinals...Superstition is to avoid stepping on tennis-court lines...Describes herself as honest, generous and timid...Admires Stefan Edberg and Pete Sampras...Favorite tournament is Roland Garros.
Career Highlights
Winner (0 WTA Tour): 1997 - ITF/Ramat Hasharon-ISR.
Semifinalist (2): 2001 - Bratislava; 1995 - Moscow.
Quarterfinalist (8): 2003 - Canberra, Tashkent; 2002 - Australian Open, Memphis, Shanghai, Pattaya City; 1999 - Sao Paulo; 1994 - Rome.
Winner (3): 2004 - Tashkent (w/Serra Zanetti); 2003 - Palermo (w/Stellato); 2001 - Quebec City (w/Reeves).
Finalist (1): 2002 - Canberra (w/Reeves).
Semifinalist (4): 2005 - Memphis (w/An.Serra Zanetti); 2004 - Estoril (w/Nagy); 2003 - Casablanca (w/An. Serra Zanetti; 1998 - Palermo (w/Gagliardi).
Italian Fed Cup Team 1995, 1999, 2001-02. Italian Olympic Team 1996.
No grand slam information available at this time
This player has not participated in any Grand Slam Singles Main Draw events
Sorry, we couldn't find any stats data for this year.
* For purposes of the player profile, individual player stats are cumulative for the calendar year and not calculated using a minimum match requirement.