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More on Peterson...
Began playing at age 5...father, Ernie, is also coach; mother, Jean, is a counselor; has one sister, Monifa...speaks English, Spanish, French...Enjoys basketball and swimming...Relaxes by reading, shopping and going to the beach...most memorable moment was playing at US Open for first time...admires Muhammed Ali...Likes listening to Destiny's Child and Alicia Keys...Favorite movie is Bring It On and favorite book is Big Girls Don't Cry...Was a four-time All-American at University of Southern California, graduating in 2003 with degree in Communications.
No grand slam information available at this time
This player has not participated in any Grand Slam Singles Main Draw events
Sorry, we couldn't find any stats data for this year.
* For purposes of the player profile, individual player stats are cumulative for the calendar year and not calculated using a minimum match requirement.