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More on Potter...
Attending Yale University...Has won medals in ski competition...Father, Mark, is a professional artist and has entered oil and water-color works in several New York City art shows; mother, Bobbie, manages BarbaraUs business affairs; grandfather, Hanson Baldwin, was military editor of the New York Times and won the Pulitzer Prize for international correspondence in 1943...Enjoys all music, big family gatherings, art, reading and cooking...Also likes European cuisine, psychology and study of history...Plans to write a book about her 10 years on the tour.
Career Highlights
Winner (6): 1988 - Cincinnati; 1987 - Wichita; 1985 - Monticello; 1982 - US Indoors, Cincinnati; 1981 - Toronto.
Winner (8): 1988 - Newport (w/Fairbank); 1986 - Bridgestone (w/Shriver); 1985 - Dallas (w/Walsh-Pete); 1984 - Washington, DC (w/Walsh-Pete), Boston (w/Walsh-Pete); 1982 - Oakland (w/Walsh-Pete), Tampa (w/Walsh-Pete); 1981 - Boston (w/Walsh-Pete).
United States Wightman Cup Team 1982, 84. United States Fed Cup Team 1988.
No grand slam information available at this time
This player has not participated in any Grand Slam Singles Main Draw events
Sorry, we couldn't find any stats data for this year.
* For purposes of the player profile, individual player stats are cumulative for the calendar year and not calculated using a minimum match requirement.