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Career High
Mar 30 1987
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* For purposes of the player profile, individual player stats are cumulative for the calendar year and not calculated using a minimum match requirement.

Singles Career High Ranking
Highest Singles
Mar 30, 1987
Doubles Career High Ranking
Highest Doubles
Sep 28, 1987
Custom Filter: Top Rank by Year Year-end Ranking

No Rankings Data Available

Date Top Rank by Year Year-end Ranking
1988 398
1987 222 398
1986 229 229
Custom Filter: Top Rank by Year Year-end Ranking

No Rankings Data Available

Date Top Rank by Year Year-end Ranking
1987 236 260
1986 340 340

No Rankings Data Available

Week Week by Week Ranking
Oct 24, 1988 633
Oct 10, 1988 620
Sep 26, 1988 620
Sep 12, 1988 621
Aug 29, 1988 504
Aug 15, 1988 497
Aug 1, 1988 474
Jul 18, 1988 466
Jul 4, 1988 432
Jun 20, 1988 411
Jun 6, 1988 398
May 23, 1988 408
May 9, 1988 406
Apr 25, 1988 401
Apr 11, 1988 401
Mar 28, 1988 401
Mar 14, 1988 408
Feb 29, 1988 414
Feb 15, 1988 414
Feb 1, 1988 413
Jan 18, 1988 398
Jan 4, 1988 398
Dec 21, 1987 398
Dec 7, 1987 398
Nov 23, 1987 393
Nov 9, 1987 392
Oct 26, 1987 391
Oct 12, 1987 387
Sep 28, 1987 384
Sep 14, 1987 372
Aug 31, 1987 411
Aug 17, 1987 405
Aug 3, 1987 407
Jul 20, 1987 441
Jul 6, 1987 458
Jun 22, 1987 454
Jun 8, 1987 446
May 25, 1987 455
May 11, 1987 423
Apr 27, 1987 377
Apr 13, 1987 274
Mar 30, 1987 222
Mar 15, 1987 224
Mar 2, 1987 224
Feb 16, 1987 225
Feb 2, 1987 226
Jan 19, 1987 228
Jan 5, 1987 230
Dec 21, 1986 229

No Rankings Data Available

Week Week by Week Ranking
Oct 24, 1988 0
Oct 10, 1988 0
Sep 26, 1988 0
Sep 12, 1988 0
Aug 29, 1988 488
Aug 15, 1988 478
Aug 1, 1988 417
Jul 18, 1988 341
Jul 4, 1988 242
Jun 20, 1988 240
Jun 6, 1988 239
May 23, 1988 251
May 9, 1988 253
Apr 25, 1988 248
Apr 11, 1988 244
Mar 28, 1988 253
Mar 14, 1988 263
Feb 29, 1988 267
Feb 15, 1988 266
Feb 1, 1988 267
Jan 18, 1988 258
Jan 4, 1988 259
Dec 21, 1987 260
Dec 7, 1987 259
Nov 23, 1987 257
Nov 9, 1987 260
Oct 26, 1987 250
Oct 12, 1987 241
Sep 28, 1987 236
Sep 14, 1987 251
Aug 31, 1987 247
Aug 17, 1987 248
Aug 3, 1987 252
Jul 20, 1987 461
Jul 6, 1987 484
Jun 22, 1987 481
Jun 8, 1987 487
May 25, 1987 502
May 11, 1987 476
Apr 27, 1987 412
Apr 13, 1987 397
Mar 30, 1987 366
Mar 15, 1987 368
Mar 2, 1987 363
Feb 16, 1987 358
Feb 2, 1987 356
Jan 19, 1987 342
Jan 5, 1987 340
Dec 21, 1986 340