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Grand Slam Record
Grand SlamsBest Grand Slam Result
Highest Finish
Australian Open

Roland Garros


US Open

More on Kohde-Kilsch...
Started playing tennis at age 5...Kohde is her name from birth, Kilsch is the name of her adoptive father, Jurgen, an attorney; has a younger sister, Katrin, 18...Enjoys all sports but is particularly fond of skiing, swimming, soccer and track-and-field...Likes impressionist paintings.
Career Highlights
WINNER: 1990 - Austrian Open; 1988 - Birmingham; 1985 - Los.
Angeles; 1984 - German Open; 1982 - Pittsburgh; 1981 - Gstaad, Austrian Open, Toronto.
WINNER (26): 1992 - Indian Wells (w/Rehe); 1991 - Oslo (w/S. Meier), Hilton Head (w/Zvereva); 1989 - Adelaide (w/Hanika); 1987 - Wimbledon (w/Sukova), German Open (w/Sukova), Bridgestone (w/Sukova), Chicago (w/Sukova), Hamburg (w/Novotna); 1986 - Amelia Island (w/Sukova), Chicago (w/Sukova), Dallas (w/Sukova); 1985 - US Open (w/Sukova), German Open (w/Sukova), Los Angeles (w/Sukova), Pan Pacific (w/Sukova); 1984 - Hilton Head (w/Mandlikova), Orlando (w/Mandlikova), Filderstadt (w/Sukova), Sydney (w/Sukova), Tokyo [Pan Pacific] (w/Sukova); 1983 - Oakland (w/Pfaff), Hittfeld (w/Bunge); 1981- Gstaad (w/Eisterlehner), Kitzbuhel (w/Pfaff); 1980 - Kitzbuhel (w/Pfaff).
German Fed Cup Team 1982-1989. German Olympic Team 1988.
No grand slam information available at this time
This player has not participated in any Grand Slam Singles Main Draw events
Sorry, we couldn't find any stats data for this year.
* For purposes of the player profile, individual player stats are cumulative for the calendar year and not calculated using a minimum match requirement.