Melanie Hayman is an Associate Professor in the School of Health, Medical, and Applied Sciences at CQ University. To date, she has secured >$1.28 million in research funding and published more than 30 peer reviewed manuscripts (Scopus H-index 12, Field-weighted citation index = 1.72). Dr Hayman has also authored six industry/government reports/documents including the lead authorship of the 2021 Australian Physical Activity Screening Tool for pregnant women (endorsed by peak industry bodies including Exercise and Sport Science Australia, Sports Medicine Australia, Fitness Australia, and Exercise is Medicine) and the co-authorship of the 2020 Evidence-based physical activity guidelines for pregnant women (on behalf of the Australian Government).


Her qualifications include PhD (Exercise Science), CQ University 2016; Master of Educational Practice, Bond University 2004; and Bachelor of Human Movement Science, CQ University 2000.


Dr Hayman has established and maintains research collaborations with researchers from >20 universities around the world and ongoing collaborative partnerships with industry stakeholders including the AIS and the QLD Academy of Sport (QAS). Dr Hayman’s research impact is evidenced by seven of her publications being used to guide the development of various key government documents (released by the Australian Government); her appointments to the Q1 BMC Journal of Pregnancy and Childbirth editorial board; the Health in Preconception, Pregnancy and Postpartum ECR/MCR Collective Leadership Committee as Building Stakeholder Relationships Stream Co-Lead; and the AIS FPHI Research Reference Group, as the leading national expert on exercise during preconception, pregnancy and postpartum. She is committed to knowledge creation, sharing, world leading sports science and research as evidenced by her RHD supervision. Specifically, since 2019 Dr Hayman has supervised four RHD students to successful completion and currently supervises four PhD students, including two students in partnership with the AIS and QAS who are working toward the development of best practice recommendations for recreational and elite athletes during preconception, pregnancy and in their return to sport postpartum. She was recently awarded both the 2021 CQUniversity Vice Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Research and the Dean’s Award for Outstanding Research.


A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.

- Albert Einstein