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Career High
Nov 23 1987
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* For purposes of the player profile, individual player stats are cumulative for the calendar year and not calculated using a minimum match requirement.

Singles Career High Ranking
Highest Singles
Nov 23, 1987
Doubles Career High Ranking
Highest Doubles
Dec 21, 1987
Custom Filter: Top Rank by Year Year-end Ranking

No Rankings Data Available

Date Top Rank by Year Year-end Ranking
1989 543
1988 360 540
1987 381
Custom Filter: Top Rank by Year Year-end Ranking

No Rankings Data Available

Date Top Rank by Year Year-end Ranking
1996 834
1989 236
1988 163 189
1987 163 163

No Rankings Data Available

Week Week by Week Ranking
Nov 18, 1996 0
Nov 11, 1996 0
Nov 4, 1996 0
Oct 28, 1996 0
Oct 21, 1996 0
Oct 14, 1996 0
Oct 7, 1996 0
Sep 30, 1996 0
Sep 23, 1996 0
Sep 16, 1996 0
Sep 9, 1996 0
Aug 26, 1996 0
Aug 19, 1996 0
Aug 12, 1996 0
Aug 5, 1996 0
Jul 29, 1996 0
Jul 22, 1996 0
Jul 15, 1996 0
Sep 25, 1989 733
Sep 11, 1989 677
Aug 28, 1989 671
Aug 14, 1989 658
Jul 31, 1989 656
Jul 17, 1989 660
Jul 3, 1989 660
Jun 19, 1989 659
Jun 5, 1989 648
May 22, 1989 641
May 8, 1989 638
Apr 24, 1989 633
Apr 10, 1989 599
Mar 27, 1989 595
Mar 13, 1989 591
Feb 27, 1989 551
Feb 13, 1989 549
Jan 30, 1989 543
Jan 16, 1989 543
Jan 2, 1989 545
Dec 19, 1988 543
Dec 5, 1988 540
Nov 21, 1988 522
Nov 7, 1988 517
Oct 24, 1988 485
Oct 10, 1988 480
Sep 26, 1988 512
Sep 12, 1988 446
Aug 29, 1988 378
Aug 15, 1988 374
Aug 1, 1988 370
Jul 18, 1988 363
Jul 4, 1988 369
Jun 20, 1988 366
Jun 6, 1988 365
May 23, 1988 365
May 9, 1988 361
Apr 25, 1988 360
Apr 11, 1988 361
Mar 28, 1988 372
Mar 14, 1988 382
Feb 29, 1988 385
Feb 15, 1988 384
Feb 1, 1988 386
Jan 18, 1988 380
Jan 4, 1988 380
Dec 21, 1987 381
Dec 7, 1987 388
Nov 23, 1987 353
Nov 9, 1987 357
Oct 26, 1987 363
Oct 12, 1987 357
Sep 28, 1987 396
Sep 14, 1987 414
Aug 31, 1987 500
Aug 17, 1987 495
Aug 3, 1987 498
Jul 20, 1987 0
Jun 8, 1987 0
May 25, 1987 0
May 11, 1987 0
Apr 27, 1987 0
Apr 13, 1987 0
Mar 30, 1987 0
Mar 15, 1987 0
Mar 2, 1987 0
Feb 16, 1987 0

No Rankings Data Available

Week Week by Week Ranking
Nov 18, 1996 857
Nov 11, 1996 855
Nov 4, 1996 847
Oct 28, 1996 847
Oct 21, 1996 842
Oct 14, 1996 840
Oct 7, 1996 840
Sep 30, 1996 834
Sep 23, 1996 835
Sep 16, 1996 835
Sep 9, 1996 840
Aug 26, 1996 852
Aug 19, 1996 851
Aug 12, 1996 849
Aug 5, 1996 850
Jul 29, 1996 865
Jul 22, 1996 867
Jul 15, 1996 861
Sep 25, 1989 453
Sep 11, 1989 364
Aug 28, 1989 364
Aug 14, 1989 351
Jul 31, 1989 360
Jul 17, 1989 356
Jul 3, 1989 356
Jun 19, 1989 351
Jun 5, 1989 352
May 22, 1989 336
May 8, 1989 326
Apr 24, 1989 236
Apr 10, 1989 239
Mar 27, 1989 240
Mar 13, 1989 248
Feb 27, 1989 257
Feb 13, 1989 256
Jan 30, 1989 247
Jan 16, 1989 249
Jan 2, 1989 255
Dec 19, 1988 257
Dec 5, 1988 189
Nov 21, 1988 180
Nov 7, 1988 170
Oct 24, 1988 170
Oct 10, 1988 163
Sep 26, 1988 164
Sep 12, 1988 167
Aug 29, 1988 184
Aug 15, 1988 179
Aug 1, 1988 175
Jul 18, 1988 170
Jul 4, 1988 178
Jun 20, 1988 186
Jun 6, 1988 180
May 23, 1988 175
May 9, 1988 169
Apr 25, 1988 187
Apr 11, 1988 175
Mar 28, 1988 176
Mar 14, 1988 169
Feb 29, 1988 171
Feb 15, 1988 170
Feb 1, 1988 171
Jan 18, 1988 166
Jan 4, 1988 165
Dec 21, 1987 163
Dec 7, 1987 282
Nov 23, 1987 248
Nov 9, 1987 250
Oct 26, 1987 307
Oct 12, 1987 298
Sep 28, 1987 323
Sep 14, 1987 369
Aug 31, 1987 376
Aug 17, 1987 374
Aug 3, 1987 378
Jul 20, 1987 406
Jun 8, 1987 381
May 25, 1987 385
May 11, 1987 386
Apr 27, 1987 378
Apr 13, 1987 378
Mar 30, 1987 372
Mar 15, 1987 362
Mar 2, 1987 358
Feb 16, 1987 353