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More on Durr...
Captured 1967 Roland Garros singles title (d. Turner in F) as well as the doubles (w/Chanfreau)... Won five straight Roland Garros doubles titles (1967-71, all with different partners) and two US Open doubles titles (1969, 1972)... Also won four mixed doubles majors, for a total of 12 Grand Slam titles from 27 finals... In 1971, the first full season of the Virginia Slims Circuit, finished second to Billie Jean King in terms of prize money... Famous for unorthodox stroke production, with unusual backhand grip... Traveled circuit with a dog, Topspin, who became a star carrying her racquet on court... Founding member of the WTA, who was elected secretary of the new body at London’s Gloucester Hotel on June 21, 1973... Top 10 regular who was listed at No.9 when WTA computer rankings were launched on November 3, 1975 but ranked as high as No.3 on earlier subjective rankings... In 1978, became first woman to play 100 tournaments on the Tour... Won WTA Finals doubles with Betty Stöve in 1979... Represented France in Federation Cup play at 27 ties between 1963 and 1979 and later served as team captain... Married American radio executive Boyd Browning on New Year’s Eve, 1975... Son, Nicholas was born in 1980, followed by a daughter, Jessica in 1985... Appointed first Director of Women’s Tennis at the French Tennis Federation in 1993... Inducted into International Tennis Hall of Fame in 2003... Received WTA’s Georgina Clark Mother Award in 2014... Received France's highest civilian award, the Legion of Honor, from French President Emmanuel Macron in 2024.
Career Highlights
Winner (26): 1973 - Houston; 1971 - Swiss Open, Canadian Open, US Clay Courts, Benson and Hedges Open, Chicago; 1970 - Albert Hall; 1969 - Swiss Open; 1967 - Roland Garros, Hamburg [German Open], Pacific Southwest, Kitzbuhel, New Zealand, Kingston, Bastad; 1966 - Holland Open, Swiss Open, Queens Club, Perth; 1965 - East London, Istanbul, San Moritz, Swiss Open, Caracas, Columbia, Monte Carlo.
Winner (42): 1976 - Wimbledon (w/Roche); 1973 - Roland Garros (w/Barclay); 1972 - US Open; 1971 - Roland Garros (w/Barclay), Canadian Open; 1970 - Roland Garros; 1969 - Roland Garros, US Open, Italian Open; 1968 - Roland Garros (w/Barclay); 1967 - Roland Garros. (List incomplete.)
Winner: 1976 - Wimbledon; 1973 - Roland Garros; 1971 - Roland Garros; 1968 - Roland Garros. (Partners not available.)
French Fed Cup Team 1963-1966, 1971-1972, 1977-1979.
Career in Review
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* For purposes of the player profile, individual player stats are cumulative for the calendar year and not calculated using a minimum match requirement.
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