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More on Choi...
Began playing tennis at age 10 at school...Coached by Kun Young Park...An all-court player who prefers hard courts; considers backhand and volley as best shots...Mother, Muo Yeon You, is a housewife; father, Young Mun Choi, is retired; has an older brother and an older sister...Graduated from high school in 1994...Likes action movies and actors Mel Gibson and Demi Moore; enjoys poems and Korean songs...Other sports interests include golf and skiing...Likes to visit Sydney, Australia because it is very clean and beautiful...Most memorable experience was when she was in the 1995 national championships final...Admires Steffi Graf for being tough.
Career Highlights
Winner (0 WTA Tour): 2000 - ITF/Inchon-KOR; 1999 - ITF/Haibara-JPN; 1997 - ITF/Jakarta-IND; 1996 - ITF/Bandar-BRU, ITF/Bandung-INA; 1995 - ITF/Beijing-CHN; 1994 - ITF/Solo-INA, ITF/Beijing-CHN; 1993 - ITF/Bangkok 2-THA.
Korean Fed Cup Team 1997, 2003. Korean Olympic Team 1996.
No grand slam information available at this time
This player has not participated in any Grand Slam Singles Main Draw events
Sorry, we couldn't find any stats data for this year.
* For purposes of the player profile, individual player stats are cumulative for the calendar year and not calculated using a minimum match requirement.