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More on Barclay-Reitz...
Started playing at age 8...Coached by Rebecca Bryant; trainer is Noel Lang...Serve-and-volley style of play; favorite surfaces are grass and hard; best shot is her volley...Parents, Vincent and Caroline, are tennis proprietors; has a twin sister, Louise, an older sister, Marie-Therese, and an older brother, Strachan...Graduated from high school in 1991...Most memorable experience was winning a mixed doubles match at Wimbledon in front of a capacity Centre Court crowd...Pet peeves that concern being a pro tennis player are paying excess baggage fees and huge telephone bills...Self-described as ambitious, focused, happy and having a good sense of humor...Uses a lucky hand towel...Admires her mother for all her support and tireless effort with her family...Tennis players admired are Margaret Court and Rod Laver as great players and great sportsmen...Favorite city to visit is Barcelona...Hobbies include reading, photography, and following the Sydney Australian Football League team...Other sports interests include kayaking, track and field and field hockey.
Career Highlights
Winner: 1994 - ITF/Saga-JPN, ITF/Ibaraki-JPN; 1993 - ITF/Canberra-AUS.
Winner (2): 2002 - Budapest (w/Loit), s'Hertogenbosch (w/Muller).
Finalist (6): 2002 - Hobart (w/Wheeler); 2000 - s'Hertogenbosch (w/Habsudova), Knokke-Heist (w/Dyrberg); 1999 - Japan Open (w/Guse); 1997 - Warsaw (w/Babel); 1994 - Birmingham (w/Guse).
Semifinalist (6): 1999 - Birmingham (w/Guse); 1997 - Madrid (w/Wood); 1995 - Prague (w/Godridge), Strasbourg (w/de Swardt); 1994 - Brisbane (w/Guse); 1993 - Sydney (w/Guse).
Australian Fed Cup Team 1999.
No grand slam information available at this time
This player has not participated in any Grand Slam Singles Main Draw events
Sorry, we couldn't find any stats data for this year.
* For purposes of the player profile, individual player stats are cumulative for the calendar year and not calculated using a minimum match requirement.