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More on Bunge...
Born in Switzerland, lived in Peru for 14 years, winning Peruvian nationals at age 13, then moved to Florida with her family...Resided in Monte Carlo and spent some time in Miami with her family...Most of her relatives still live in Germany...Father, Siegfried, is a sales broker, dealing in fish; mothers name is Margaret; only sibling, Henry, plays some tennis...Speaks German, English and Spanish fluently and was learning French...Reads Agatha Christie and Kurt Vonnegut books, National Geographic magazine...Liked the beaches in Miami.
Career Highlights
Winner: 1983 - Oakland; 1982 - German Open, Houston, Tokyo [TV Tokyo].
Finalist: 1987- Belgian Open; 1982 - Mahwah; 1981 - Cincinnati, Tokyo [TV Tokyo], Houston, Tampa; 1980 - Stockholm; 1979 - Sydney.
Winner: 1987 - Belgian Open (w/Manuela Maleeva); 1986 - Tokyo [Pan Pacific] (w/Graf).
Ffinalist: 1987 - New England (w/Pfaff); 1985 - Swiss Open (w/Pfaff); 1982 - German Open (w/Kohde-Kilsch).
West German Fed Cup Team 1980-1983, 1985-1987, 1989.
Career in Review
No grand slam information available at this time
This player has not participated in any Grand Slam Singles Main Draw events
Sorry, we couldn't find any stats data for this year.
* For purposes of the player profile, individual player stats are cumulative for the calendar year and not calculated using a minimum match requirement.