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More on Studenikova...
Coached by Krta Tibor; Prefers hard courts and considers forehand as best shot; uses slice, one-handed backhand; Parents, Bohumil and Viera, are both economists; younger brother, Juray, is a student and football player...Lucky charm is a stuffed tiger she carries in her racquet bag...Other interests include basketball, golf, fashion and home design...Favorite movie is Basic Instinct; favorite actor is Tom Cruise; favorite author is Erich Segal...Considers Michael Jordan best athlete.
Career Highlights
Winner (0 WTA Tour): 1997 - ITF/Ostrava-CZE; 1995 - ITF/Sopot-POL, ITF/Ostrava-CZE; 1993 - ITF/Moulins-FRA; 1992 - ITF/Ashkelon-ISR, ITF/Ramat Hasharon-ISR [Nov.]; 1991 - ITF/Putignano-ITA.
Semifinalist (5): 1997 - Luxembourg; 1996 - Strasbourg, Karlovy Vary; 1995 - Prague; 1993 - Budapest.
Finalist (1): 1995 - Palermo (w/Schwarz-Ritter).
Semifinalist (2): 1995 - Maria Lankowitz (w/Schwarz-Ritter); 1994 - Taipei (w/Bobkova).
Slovakian Fed Cup Team 1994, 1996-98. Slovakian Olympic Team 1996.
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* For purposes of the player profile, individual player stats are cumulative for the calendar year and not calculated using a minimum match requirement.