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More on Luzhanska...
Moved to Israel at age 9; lived there until age 17; has lived in Florida ever since ... Mother was a dancer and lives in Cincinnati; father was a professional cyclist and lives in Ukraine, along with rest of family ... Started playing at age 7 when mother took her to tennis club next to local ice rink ... Idolizes Graf ... Best memory was winning ITF doubles title w/Aneta Soukup, her best friend ... Enjoys watching TV and movies, seeing friends, shopping and reading.
Career Highlights
Winner: 2007 - ITF/Monterrey 3-MEX, ITF/Saltillo-MEX.
Winner: 2011 - ITF/Boston-USA (w/Mueller), ITF/Ningbo-CHN (w/S.Zheng); 2010 - ITF/Boston-USA (w/Couts), ITF/Phoenix-USA (w/Vandeweghe); 2009 - ITF/Lexington-USA (w/Chang); 2008 - ITF/Dothan-USA (w/Pastikova); 2007 - ITF/Tampa-USA, ITF/Fort Walton Beach-USA (both w/Bachmann), ITF/Hammond-USA, ITF/Rome Tevere Remo-ITA (both w/C.Chan), ITF/Incheon-KOR (w/Tedjakusuma), ITF/Istanbul Kemer 2-TUR (w/Adamczak); 2006 - ITF/Hammond 1-USA, ITF/Washington-USA (both w/C.Chan), ITF/Pelham-USA (w/Tedjakusuma), ITF/Allentown-USA (w/Gullickson), ITF/Houston 2-USA (w/Ditty); 2005 - ITF/Pelham-USA (w/Czafikova); 2004 - ITF/Tunica Resorts-USA (w/Soukup); 2001 - ITF/Harrisonburg-USA (w/Van Rooyen).
Finalist (1): 2007 - Stockholm (w/C.Chan).
No grand slam information available at this time
This player has not participated in any Grand Slam Singles Main Draw events
Sorry, we couldn't find any stats data for this year.
* For purposes of the player profile, individual player stats are cumulative for the calendar year and not calculated using a minimum match requirement.